An archive of the “Young Earth/Anti-evolutionist Page” by Geologist Glenn Morton and DMD Publishing Co.
Copyright 1998 G.R. Morton, This may be freely distributed so long as no monetary charges and no alterations to the text are made. (
- Runaway Subduction is a Sham
- Overthrusts in Rocky and Appalachian Mountains cause problems for Global Flood
- Living Fossils--There are none
- The Problem with Intelligent Design
- Carbonate Hardgrounds disprove Global Flood
- Reply to Woodmorappe's Critique of My Webpage
- 19th Century Opponents of Geology and Evolution: Or, The YECs Ye Have With You Always
- Creationist Misuse of the Green River Formation
- The Real Poop on the Global Flood
- The Longest Running Lie in Creationism
- The North Sea Rocks Refute Young-earth Arguments
- Why Clastic Dykes don't Indicate a Global Flood
- Seismic Data and the Age of the Earth
- Can Reed and Froede Kill the Geologic Column?
- Response to Mortenson's Boundaries on Creation and Noah's Flood: Early 19th century scriptural geologists by Michael Roberts
- Reply to Mortenson's Defense of John Murray
- John Murray: A Misrepresentation of History Critique of Mortenson's webpage.
- Steve Austin's Grand Canyon Argument: Mathematical Sleight of Hand.
- Nineteenth Century Design arguments--A 19th Century Behe.
- A look at seismic data and its implications for Noah's global flood
- Fleeing from the Flood--an exercise in futility
- 300 year gap in the Middle of the Flood
- Illogical Young-earth Erosion Argument
- Zeno's Paradox and the Creationist Demand for Transitional Forms
- 12 False Statements by Anti-evolutionary Apologists
- The Demise and Fall of the Water Vapor Canopy: A Fallen Creationist Idea
- The Impotent God of the Anti-evolutionists
- Babel and the Ancient Single Language of the Human Race
- Death Before the Fall: The Theology
- Death Before the Fall: God Created the Cell Death Codes
- Origin of Life Probability
- The Entire Geologic Column in North Dakota
- Transitional Forms: Fish to Amphibian Transition Documented
- Computer Models of Selection, Cambrian Explosion and Punctuated Equilibrium
- Young-Earth Arguments: A Second Look
- Salt in the Sea Argument--The Solution to the Creationist Puzzle
- How Overthrusts Occur--The Solution to the Creationist Puzzle
- Steve Robertson's Story: A Graduate of Christian Heritage College who works in Geology
Flood Issues
- Paleosoils and their Implications to the Flood-by Jonathan Clark
- Review of Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study By John Woodmorappe
- Why The Flood Can't Be Global
- Why Would the Flood Sort Animals by Cell Types?
- Why The Flood Can't Be in Mesopotamia
- Why The Flood Can't Be in the Black Sea
- Fish Cause Problems for the Global Flood
- Acidic water of Global Flood Would Kill Noah and the Fish in the Sea
- Carbon Dioxide and the Global Flood--Everybody Dies
- Ordering Information
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